Course Description
Chapter 1: Introduction to Full Stack Development
- Overview of Web Development: Understanding front-end, back-end, and full-stack development.
- Introduction to MERN Stack: Components and architecture of MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js.
- Development Environment Setup: Installing Node.js, MongoDB, and code editors.
Chapter 2: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Fundamentals
- HTML5: Structure of web pages, semantic elements, forms, and media.
- CSS3: Styling techniques, layouts, Flexbox, Grid, and responsive design principles.
- JavaScript: ES6+ features, DOM manipulation, event handling, and debugging.
Chapter 3: Version Control with Git and GitHub
- Git Basics: Repositories, commits, branches, and merging.
- Collaborative Work: Pull requests, code reviews, and managing conflicts.
Chapter 4: Front-End Development with React.js
- React Fundamentals: Components, JSX, props, and state management.
- Hooks: useState, useEffect, and custom hooks.
- Routing: Implementing navigation with React Router.
- State Management: Introduction to Redux for global state management.
Chapter 5: Back-End Development with Node.js and Express.js
- Node.js Overview: Asynchronous programming, modules, and event-driven architecture.
- Express.js: Setting up servers, middleware, routing, and RESTful APIs.
- Authentication: Implementing user authentication with JWT or OAuth.
Chapter 6: Database Management with MongoDB
- MongoDB Basics: NoSQL concepts, CRUD operations, and schema design.
- Mongoose: Object Data Modeling (ODM) for MongoDB, defining schemas, and validation.
- Aggregation Framework: Data aggregation and processing techniques.
Chapter 7: Integrating Front-End and Back-End
- Connecting React with Express: Setting up proxy, handling CORS, and API integration.
- State Management: Managing application state with Redux or Context API.
Course Curriculum

Krishna Kumar
Founder, AICT PVT LTD, IoT & Embedded System Academic Trainer, Data ScientistI am a web developer with a vast array of knowledge in many different front end and back end languages, responsive frameworks, databases, and best code practices