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Python is widely used for back-end development. While Fullstack Python training in Pune can be used......Python is widely used for back-end development. While Fullstack Python training in Pune can be used for front-end development, HTML and other computer languages are more commonly used. Full-stack Python classes in Pune provide development skills via a coding boot camp or a series of tutorials, it's important to understand what a full-stack developer performs. Full-stack Python Course in Pune helps engineers work with a website's or web application's front and back end technologies. They understand HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and one or more back-end languages, such as Ruby on Rails. The phrase "full-stack" refers to the fact that they possess all of the web development skills required to create web pages, websites, and web apps from start to finish. Begin Learning Front-end Web Development You may either learn Python and the back-end stuff first, or the other way around. As a result, if you're new to web development, it's best to start with front-end technology. Begin with HTML, and you'll be able to create a basic website without any design. HTML is a markup language that is used to generate the essential components of a website, such as a header, image, paragraph, and so on. Full stack Python course in Pune is a popular, powerful, and syntax-friendly programming language. If you don't already know the fundamentals of Python, now is the time to start. Python is a reasonably simple language to learn. Learn how to create, deploy, and run Python applications with Full stack Python training in Pune at SevenMentor. You're knee-deep in Python programming. The syntax is coming together. The first few moments occur as you learn to use conditional statements, for loops, and classes while coding with the open source libraries that contribute to Python's amazing programming ecosystem. You want to take your basic Python skills and turn it into something useful, such as a web application to show off to friends or sell as a service to consumers. This is where Full Stack Python comes into play. You've come to the ideal location to learn everything you need to know about creating, deploying, and running Python-powered applications. Full-stack Python development Using the Python programming language roadmap for web development provides several advantages, including a shorter development time. The most appealing part of using Python as a full stack web development language, on the other hand, may be the job opportunities it may give. back-end and full stack Python developers continue to be in high demand. Python is frequently used in data science and machine learning, so you may add these to your back-end skill set as you advance as a full-stack engineer. What exactly is a Python full stack developer? A stack is made up of several technologies, the most apparent of which are front-end development or the user interface, back-end development or the server-side, and the database layer. When all or nearly all technologies, frameworks, and tools are based on Python, a web developer who masters such technology is referred to as a python web developer. However, this does not mean that these Python full stack developers will not require understanding of any other language or technology. Every new web developer must learn HTML, CSS, and JS. These are the fundamental criteria and an excellent starting point for learning. Full Stack Python course in Pune in the field of Business Developers and programmers are in high demand in today's business world. The service industry, which is considered as driving GDP, derives the majority of its revenue from IT and software-related services. This is understandable given that all other businesses rely on IT and software-related services for promotion and market reach. The days of a local enterprise being limited to the market on its outskirts are long gone. Modern businesses target markets ranging from worldwide places to the most remote corners of the country. All of this is made possible by the services provided by IT and software development corporations in terms of giving digital platforms to businesses. These digital platforms are simply the websites and apps that are available. Full stack Python developers are individuals who supply solutions utilising Python as a coding language and are observed conducting coding activities in numerous programming languages. Full stack Python developers are a subset of developers who offer both front end and back end programming services. They operate independently on complete stack software development solutions and do not require assistance for each end of development or other development needs. The Full stack Python developers are ideal for organizations to hire since they lower the expense of engaging more individuals or teams. This provides financial benefits to businesses. Full stack python developers are capable of providing the necessary service and assistance to clients in all parts of website development. This increases their popularity as a developer among businesses. Businesses turn to software and IT development firms to recruit qualified and trained full stack Python developers to create successful solutions. To employ full stack software Python engineers, the best approach is to contact appropriate software and development organizations (that offer comprehensive software solution packages to clients). Full stack Python developers can also work as independent contractors. To save development costs, businesses can hire freelance full stack Python engineers who are typically affiliated with specific internet groups/firms. Path to becoming a full-stack Python course in Pune developer A Full stack python classes in Pune coder is an all-rounder. Front-end web development and back-end web development are the two types of web development. What do these people do in a web development project? A front-end developer is in charge of designing the front end of a website (i.e., user interface). They improve the visual appeal of the websites. The website's backend is managed by a back-end developer. Just a few examples include working with logic, databases, and requests. A python full stack developer is a cross between the two. Because they have both front-end and back-end knowledge, they can design a full web application. What do full-stack Python classes in Pune developer do? The path to becoming a full-stack python engineer/developer indicates that you can work on both the front end and back end of a web application. Front-end development is concerned with how the programme appears to the user. Front-end development, in other words, is the process of programming the browser, often known as the client end. Back-end development, on the other hand, is concerned with the logic of the application. Back-end development includes both programming the remote server and interacting with one or more databases (s). A Full stack Python Classes in Pune helps you to work on a project from beginning to end, from design to deployment. In practice, though, this is only useful for very simple jobs. A professional back-end developer may understand more about back-end development, such as database architecture, but a full-stack developer understands more. On a large real-world project, full-stack engineers are generalists who help bridge the gap between two highly specialized forces: front-end and back-end developers.
1. HTML 4 and HTML 5
A. Introduction of HTML
B. Tag, Elements and Attributes
C. Basics syntax
D. Table
E. List
F. Forms
G. Structure of HTML4 and HTML5
H. Semantic and non-semantic tags
I. HTML 5 Features
J. New Input type
K. Forms Attribute
M. Canvas
N. Audio, Video Tag
2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
A. Attributes (ID, Class, Style, Title )
B. CSS Types (Inline, Internal, External)
C. Box-model
D. Display Property (Block, Inline, None)
E. Visibility-Hidden
F. Position Property(Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed )
G. Z-index Property
H. Combinators (Descendant Selector, Child Selector, Adjacent Sibling Selector, General Sibling Selector)
I. CSS Pseudo-classes (Link, Visited, Hover, Active)
J. CSS Pseudo-elements (First Line, First Letter, Before, After ,Selection)
K. Static Web Page
L. Viewport Meta tag
3. CSS 3
A. Background, Multiple Backgrounds
B. Font Related Features (online fonts)
C. Text-Effect and Box-Effect
D. Gradients-Linear and Radial
E. Transition
F. Transformation
G. Animation
H. Media Queries
4. Bootstrap
A. Introduction of Bootstrap (Responsive)
B. Typography
C. Tables
D. Images, Buttons
E. Grid Structure-Type of columns
F. Forms
G. Jumbortron,
H. well
I. Panel
J. Navbar, Nav Tab
K. Carousel
L. Responsive Web Page
5. JavaScript
A. Introduction of JavaScript
B. Use of JavaScript
C. Variables
D. Keywords
E. Data Type (Primitive, non-primitive)
F. JS Conditions (if, if-else)
G. Conditional operators & logical operators
H. Loops (for, while, do-while)
I. Switch Case
J. Functions
K. Set Timeout and set Interval Function
M. Use the document object to access and manipulate HTML
N. Changing HTML Elements
O. Adding and Deleting Elements
P. Array
Q. Objects
R. How to access Objects (Dot Notation, bracket Notation)
S. Object Creation (Empty Object, Literal Way, Constructor Way)
T. Prototype
U. Validations
V. Events
6. jQuery
1. Introduction
A. jQuery Library
B. First jQuery Example
C. The Document Ready Function
D. How to escape a special character
2. Selectors
A. Basic selectors
B. Precise Selectors
C. Combination of Selectors
D. Hierarchy Selectors
E. Selection Index Filters
F. Visibility Filters
G. Forms Selectors
H. Forms Filters
3. Find Dropdown Selected Item
4. Document Traversal
A. Getting a specific DOM element
5. Event
A. Events Helpers
B. Attach Event
C. Detaching Events
D. Events Triggering
6. HTML Manipulation
7. AJAX with jQuery
8. Use and Benefits JSON
9. Overview of AngularJS
SQL Syllabus
Chapter 1: - Introduction to Basic Database Concepts
What are data, field, record, and database?
Limitations of the file management system.
Basic Concepts of Advantages of DBMS,
Level of abstraction, Database models,
Exploring Relational DBMS,
Discuss the basic design, theoretical, and physical aspects of a relational database
Understanding Client and Server,
What is MySQL?
Chapter 2: Introduction to SQL
MySQL datatypes
Basics of Types of SQL Statements
Create and use Database
Categorize the different types of SQL statements: DDL, DML, DQL, DCL and TCL
Data types in SQL
Exploring DDL Statements on Table
Chapter 3: Writing Basic SQL Statement
List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements
Generate a report of data from the output of a basic SELECT statement
Select All Columns
Select Specific Columns
Use Column Heading Defaults
Use Arithmetic Operators
Understand Operator Precedence
Learn the DESCRIBE command to display the table structure
Using Parentheses
Defining a Null
Defining a Column Alias
Using Column Aliases
Concatenation Operator
Using the Concatenation Operator
Literal Character Strings
Using Literal Character Strings
Duplicate Rows
Eliminating Duplicate Rows
Chapter 4: Restricting and Sorting Data
Limiting Rows Using a Selection
Limiting the Rows Selected
Using the WHERE Clause
Character Strings and Dates
Comparison Conditions
Using Comparison Conditions
Other Comparison Conditions
Using the BETWEEN Condition
Using the IN Condition
Using the LIKE Condition
Using the NULL Conditions
Logical Conditions
Using the AND Operator
Using the OR Operator
Using the NOT Operator
Rules of Precedence
Sorting in Descending Order
Sorting by Column Alias
Sorting by Multiple Columns
Chapter 5: Advance DDL Commands
Alter Table Statements
Drop Table Statements
Various Constraints
Save point
Creating Views
Chapter 6: Working on DML statements
Data Manipulation Language
Adding a New Row to a Table
The INSERT Statement Syntax
Inserting New Rows
Inserting Rows with Null Values
Inserting Special Values
Inserting Specific Date Values
Creating a Script
Copying Rows from another Table
Changing Data in a Table
The UPDATE Statement Syntax
Updating Rows in a Table
Updating Two Columns with a Subquery
Updating Rows Based on another Table
Updating Rows: Integrity Constraint Error
Removing a Row from a Table
The DELETE Statement
Deleting Rows from a Table
Deleting Rows Based on another Table
Deleting Rows: Integrity Constraint Error
Using a Subquery in an INSERT Statement
Chapter 7: Use of built-in function in SQL
Conversion Function
Logical Functions
Math Function
Aggregate Functions
String Functions
Date Functions
Chapter 8: Working on multiple tables and Retrieve records from multiple tables
Inner Join
Left Join
Right Join
Cross Join
Chapter 9: Working on subqueries
Using a Subquery to Solve a Problem
Subquery Syntax
Using a Subquery
Guidelines for Using Subqueries
Types of Subqueries
Single-Row Subqueries
Executing Single-Row Subqueries
Using Group Functions in a Subquery
The HAVING Clause with Subqueries
Multiple-Row Subqueries
Using the ANY Operator in Multiple-Row Subqueries
Using the ALL Operator in Multiple-Row Subqueries
Null Values in a Subquery
Chapter 10: Python with MYSQL
Regex with MYSQL
Regex with Python
Python MySQL Limit
Limit the Result
Start From Another Position
Quick intro of SQLIA
Overview of Cursor and Trigger
Django Prerequisite:
Introduction to HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap
Django Framework
Introduction to Django
Installing Django
Setting up a database
Starting a project
Difference between a App and a Project
Role of Flask and Django
Basics of Dynamic Web Pages
Dynamic Content
Mapping URLs to views
Request Processing by Django
A overview of settings file in Django
Pretty Error Pages
The Django Template System
Template System Basic
Using Template System
Basic Template and Filters
How to Configure Template
Template Loading
Template Inheritance
Interacting with databases
Dumb way
MTV way
Conguring the database
Dening Models in Python
Selecting and Deleting Objects
What are Migrations and Why we do that
The Django Administration site
Activating the admin interface
Using the admin interface
Customizing the interface
Admin part (How to create Superuser in Python)
What are Models?
Models and Admin Linkup
Mode form creation
Form Processing
Creating a feedback form
Custom look and feel
Creating Forms and models
Form Validation
What is Context in Django
Custom Form
How to setup Email in our Projects
Advanced Views and URLconfs
Streamlining Function Imports
Using Named Group
Capturing Texts in URLs
URL Routing
What is Render and relative import
URL names as Links
Generic Views
Using Generic Views
Generic Views of objects
Course Name
Extending Generic Views
Extending Template Engine
Template Language Review
Request Context and Processor
Inside Template Loading
Extending Template System
Writing Custom Template Loaders
Sessions and Registration
Django's Session Framework
Users and Authentication
Permissions, Groups, Messages and Proles
How to add Authentication in Django Project with help of Registration Redux module